Editorial and Strategy

Program development for high-profile international events from conferences to webinars and roundtables: identifying and recruiting speakers, preparing briefings and attending events to ensure smooth running on the day. Strong networks across business, policy and academia. Strategic event production to achieve desired aims.

Thought Leadership

Online content generation and thought leadership reports that delve into key areas of focus, highlight policy recommendations or showcase innovative approaches through articles and interviews. This might be supported by original research through interviews, surveys or roundtable discussions or be compilations of insights from key stakeholders and specialists.

Professional Development

Professional development courses tailored to your business needs and run internally or externally as preferred. Courses give attendees an in depth understanding of a critical issue, just as it is most needed, and with the specific focus required. Length and time allocated can vary, but sessions will always be run by experts in the field.

Amy Wevill


Amy has worked in research and events programming for nearly 15 years. She has established conferences in Asia and Europe, organised numerous dinners and roundtables discussions and welcomed many world class speakers to events (working recently at Chatham House and the University of Oxford). She has also produced (variously as writer, editor, publisher or researcher) numerous publications and reports, from hard back books to briefing notes, working with a range of partners including charities and educational institutions.

Amy has a Public Policy MA from King’s College London, a Graduate Diploma in Law from the University of Law and a History of Art BA from UCL.

She has previously worked for the Financial Times, The University of Oxford, Moody’s, The Guardian, Bloomberg and Chatham House (The Royal Institute of International Affairs).

To discuss any of these areas further, please contact amy@awresearch.co.uk