
Taking a snapshot of the world of work today and discovering how it is likely to develop over the next decade. As we navigate through this time of continued technological change, opportunities for higher productivity, more fulfilling jobs and greater flexibility are emerging. However, there is also some scepticism of disruptive technology, and potential negative threats to society and the work force, particularly in the short term.

This series will include insights from industry leaders, founders, technology companies and policymakers across a range of sectors and hear from experts on the broader trends. It will examine the latest trends in labour markets and attitudes to work, consider the impact AI is having on jobs, and assess what skills, tools and outlooks will best equip us for the coming shifts.

Themes will include:

  • How are attitudes to work changing? What motivates people in their work? Is there now a demand for greater flexibility? Is entrepreneurship growing?

  • What types of technology are already available that have the potential to dramatically change the workplace and how might these develop?

  • How will the changing nature of work impact society? Will it benefit the wealthy more than the poor? How do these developments vary internationally? How should we use technology to drive the changes we want and avoid undesired consequences?

  • What skills are required as more functions are automated, entrepreneurship is on the rise and tech brings new possibilities? How might education systems and approaches to adult learning respond to this?

If you are interested in working with us to develop a report or events series on this topic, please be in touch at amy@awresearch.co.uk